
We are a group of Hutterites and former Hutterites who have a passion for sharing Christ and His Word with those around us. Our mission is to provide encouragement, support, and Bibles to anyone and everyone who is seeking to get to know Christ better. The Hutterite people live in communities that are spread across North America and number over 50,000. Not all communities and not all of our leaders are the same and for some individuals who are wanting to grow in their walk with Christ it can be quite difficult. The purpose of this site is to give such people a place to find encouragement, ask questions, and also request Bible Study materials that they do not have access to or perhaps cannot afford. Please be patient as we continue to add and build. If there are any personal stories or experiences that you would like to share in regards to your walk with Christ as a Hutterite we would love to hear about it and possibly share as an encouragement to others. Feel free to reach out at any time.


Unofficially since 2019