The Power Of God Within Us

It is impossible for us to understand the word of God when the author is not there in our midst to personally lead and guide us, enlightening our minds as we read through words that have power to show what we must do to have eternal life. Do we invite Him daily as we open the words of life? Is it our greatest desire to know and understand what the author wants to teach us? Even if it will cost us something? To be mocked, hated, misunderstood.

Matthew 22:29
“‭Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.”

All the way back in Jesus’s day there were already men that were leaders in the church that were told by Jesus that they did not know the scriptures, nor did they know the power of God.  Because the sun doesn’t shine in the night we do not see the wonders of God’s creation. When we walk around in the night and there’s total darkness, our vision of things is gone, we walk around confused, very unsure of where our feet are walking.

So it is when we lift up God’s word without the presence of the Sun of righteousness. He is the light that needs to surround us to give us the eyes to see and understand. God will not come into our presence to lead us if we do not invite Him. He can’t, if it is not our greatest desire to have Him there. Nor can He come into our presence if we pick up His word only out of duty, our minds filled with the things of this world.

Jesus not only accused them of not knowing scripture but He accused them of not knowing the power of God. Along with not knowing scripture comes a lack of knowing that almighty power that each soul can claim through the power of our God. The two go hand in hand. His Spirit leads us and then it empowers us to obey what He is teaching us.

Ephesians 3
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

Acts 1:8
 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and  Samaria, and to the  end of the earth.”

When the we receive the Holy Spirit, supernatural power is given to us also. Power to overcome sin, power to do things that we with our human strength could never do.

Ephesians 3:16
 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man,

We talk a lot about the sins that Jesus can take away, which of coarse is true and simply amazing but very little is spoken of the power that we can have through His Spirit that is within us. Ephesians 3:16 talks about this MIGHT that strengthens us. Have we experienced and do we know the power that we can have through His spirit? Could He give us anything more priceless and precious?

Are we like the teachers that Jesus accused of not knowing the power of God? We can’t know and be acquainted with His power if we have not yet experienced this overwhelming power that is ours through the Holy Spirit.

An army surrounded the city where the prophet Elisha was staying. This army had come to capture him. As Elisha’s servant looked out at the huge army, he started to panic. All that this servant saw was many horses and chariots surrounding the city.

2 kings 6
14 Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city.15 And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?”

Elisha simply said, “Do not fear. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” 

This man must have looked around, not knowing what Elisha meant. How were there more with them, than there were with the entire army that was approaching them?

Elisha prayed, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Elisha’s prayer was answered. The young man got a glimpse of what the prophet had been able to see all along. “The mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire” 2 Kings 6:17

God had an unseen army protecting Elisha. Between the servant of God and the hosts of armed men was an encircling band of heavenly angels. They had come down in mighty power, not to destroy, but to encamp round about the Lord’s weak and helpless ones.

We may feel as helpless, as did the servant of Elisha as he stood with Elisha looking at the horses and chariots that were surrounding the city. We may feel just as overpowered and helpless to overcome this proud angel that fell like lightning from heaven. But we must take a closer look, at the things that cannot be seen and then all fear will vanish away. We must look away from the things that can be seen before we can believe that we indeed are surrounded by heavenly armies that give us power that cripples each and every device the enemy may form and use against us. 

What good were these earthly horses and chariots that had power to make men tremble when there was a mountain blazing with chariots on fire that God had sent? We spend too much time dwelling on our circumstances and not nearly enough time dwelling on the help that can be ours if we would only trust our God and believe His promises. Because Elisha was in contact with the one who leads heavens armies, he only needed to speak the word and they were all blinded on the spot.

Now here stood a army that was now dealing with a higher power, a power that gave Elisha the power over a army of mighty men. What did Elisha do next? He led this army of mighty men to Samaria, commanded that they be given water and food so that they could be sent back to their master.

Imagine what a sight that must have been?! Seeing Elisha lead a whole army of armed men, men that were incapable to be a match for Elisha. Their power was taken away by the hand that heard His servants cry and instantly was Elisha’s cry heard and answered. 

This is how weak the enemy can become when this same God cripples him. He can be as weak as were those that stumbled into Samaria, not even sure of where their even going and what is about to happen. He’s just as clueless, as helpless when we will only cry out as Peter cried out as he was sinking on those waters at sea, crying Lord, save me! As we know, the Savior immediately stretched out his hand and caught him. Let us not focus on the strength of men, nor on the strength of the enemy. Let us focus on the strength that has more then enough power to take away power from men and from the enemy if He wishes to. But first we must have faith and confidence is this strength, before He will manifest His power on our behalf.

Psalm 46
1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

We have no reason to at anytime feel overpowered by this world or by the enemy. When His Spirit has found room in our hearts then we too will not fear, even if the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea and the mountains shake and tremble. We have never been in such a dramatic situation but its clear to see that when our God is within us then NOTHING will have power to shake or move us. But this is for those who have truly aloud God to be their refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. May we not be part of the great multitude that does not know scripture, nor the power of God.

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