My experience in rehab was life changing…

When my dad dropped me off at the iRecover treatment center in Howard, SD I was still numb from the booze I had 3 hours earlier. For me personally, there was no way of knowing what to expect when I got there. In the past, whenever the thought of rehab came to mind, I pictured being locked up in a padded jail cell. Boy was I wrong…

iRecover facility in Howard, SD

It took at least a couple days for me to get to know my surroundings and the schedule. By the time the first week had gone by I had the chance to meet and start to get to know all the staff, which, for the most part, were amazing. The Counselors were very understanding and knowledgeable, giving me all the 1 on 1 time that was needed. Another thing I really appreciated was the fact that in the past they had gone through rehab as well. Each one of them could relate to what I was feeling and experiencing at the time. The group I was going through treatment with felt a little bit distant at first, but once we started doing our morning devotions and classes together it seemed that we all began to open up with one another. We actually got to know each other really well. We shared our struggles, emotions, trials, and yes, at times even tears.

At iRecover is also where I got introduced to the program of AA and began to learn about and work on the 12 Steps of Recovery. It actually took me several days to admit my addiction, which is the first step. When I did that, things started to get easier. It was quite challenging to absorb all the knowledge that was laid out before me during programming. I started to get tired throughout the day and felt overwhelmed at times. It seemed like I had started using a part of my brain that was full of cobwebs. Another thing I noticed is that my sleep began to improve. In a short time I was sleeping throughout the night without waking up sick and shaking. It felt refreshing to get up sober every morning. Slowly but surely the stuff that I was learning in class, even if I didn’t understand it at first, began to make sense and become clear. This came with a legit effort of studying and reading.

Class at iRecover (the author of this article is not in photo)

Going to AA meetings showed me what the program requires in order to be successful in staying sober. It requires complete submission, otherwise it will not work. I believe that getting introduced to AA while in treatment meant more to me then it would have had I just started to go to meetings. I believe it planted the foundation I needed to start building my life on. Even though I still don’t understand everything about it now I know I will understand it more as time goes on.

Treatment at iRecover also gave me all the tools I need to repair my relationship with God and the ones I hurt along the way. I need to keep working the steps, work the program, and go to meetings. In conclusion I have to say that the people, the hospitality, and the experience at iRecover was amazing. I am thankful for everything they have given me to start this new chapter in my life.

To know more about iRecoverUS you can visit their website here… https://www.irecover.us/

The author of this article is choosing to remain annonymous. He currently lives with his wife and children on a Hutterite colony in the Dakotas, USA.