1. God created the heavens and the earth (1:1) | 1. God makes a new heaven and a new earth (21:1) |
2. The light was created (1:3) | 2. The Lamb is the light (21:23) |
3. Darkness and night created (1:5) | 3. There shall be no night (22:5) |
4. Waters gathered into seas (1:10) | 4. No more sea (21:1) |
5. God made the sun and the moon (1:16) | 5. No need for the sun and the moon (21:23) |
6. All creation declared concluded (2:1) | 6. New creation declared concluded (21:6) |
7. Mans first home beside a river (2:10) | 7. Man’s eternal home beside a river (22:1) |
8. Death by eating the fruit of a tree (2:17) | 8. Life by eating the fruit of a tree (22:2) |
9. Adams marriage (2:18-23) | 9. The Lambs marriage (19:6-9) |
10. Eve, Adams’s wife (2:22-25) | 10. The New Jerusalem, Christ’s wife (21:9-10) |
11. Deceived by the serpent (3:1,13) | 11. The serpent deceives no more (20:3) |
12. Satan’s first attack against man (3:1) | 12. Satans final attack (20:7-10) |
13. Satan appeared in a garden (3:1) | 13. Satan disappears in a fiery lake (20:10) |
14. A contaminated garden (3:6-7) | 14. A city that shall not be contaminated (21:27) |
15. Communion with God interrupted (3:8-10) | 15. Personal communion with God (21:3) |
16. Initial triumph of the serpent (3:13) | 16. Final triumph of the Lamb (20:10) |
17. First coming of the Savior promised (3:15) | 17. Second Coming of the Savior promised (22:20) |
18. Pain multiplied (3:16) | 18. No more death, nor sorrow, nor crying (21:4) |
19. Curse over man and nature (3:14-19) | 19. No more curse (22:3) |
20. The judgment of the serpent promised (3:15) | 20. The judgment of the serpent consummated (20:10) |
21. Curse imposed over nature (3:17) | 21. No more curse over nature (22:3) |
22. Man lost dominion over nature (3:19) | 22. Man recovers dominion over nature (22:5) |
23. First death (3:21; 4:8) | 23. No more death, nor sorrow (21:4) |
24. A lamb was sacrificed (3:21) | 24. A Lamb lights up the city (21:23) |
25. Paradise closed (3:23) | 25. New Paradise opened (21:25) |
26. An angel forbade entrance to the Garden (3:24) | 26. An angel shows the city (21:9-10) |
27. Man thrown out from Gods presence (3:24) | 27. The redeemed will see the face of the Lord (22:4) |
28. Tree of life out of man’s reach (3:23) | 28. Tree of life within mans reach (22:14) |
29. God’s mark on Cain (4:23) | 29. Gods name in forehead (22:4) |
30. First city built by Cain (4:17) | 30. Holy City comes from God (21:2) |