Welcome to this website. This is not one of those sites that’s going to bash and condemn everyone that doesn’t fit into a certain agenda. In fact this site won’t condemn anyone. The purpose of this site is to provide tools and methods to aide in studying the Bible, testimonies, encouragement, and also help and advice for difficult and hard to talk about situations. Although still under construction, content and resources will be added as its ready.

The authors that are posting and writing on this site are not professionals, in fact they are far from professionals. They are just your average Hutterites (and ex Hutterites) that have a love for Christ and the study of His Word. So, if you have a love for the Hutterite people, are wanting to get to know Jesus better, and are committed to searching for Bible truth then you are in the right place. None of us can claim perfection. None of us can claim to have it all figured out. But together, by God’s grace, we can all grow and learn together.